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It’s been a while since a cover has caught my eye because all covers to me are just starting to look the same ole same ole. But, Fan on the F Magazine cover wearing this piece from Rahul Mishra‘s latest Couture collection was just breathtaking. What a great use of the couture piece. Loved it.

Would we have ever seen this on an Indian cover or do you think our stars are too self-absorbed and always want to be front and center in a cover photo. What are your thoughts?

Catch her wearing another piece from his collection inside.

Photo Credit: Instagram

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  1. Wow. Piece of art, this!

    A friend who is a stylist in the entertainment sector, tells me top actresses don’t even want to wear anything too printed, so as to not take away attention from their faces.

    So expecting something like this from our stars is a little far fetched, Payal!

  2. Actors are supposed to use who they are to convey the art of performance- either on screen or print. Who do you think is really an actor and mature enough to do that in today’s Bollywood crop!!!


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