Shahid’s Hardy Blues

We don’t know for sure if Shahid is suffering from heartache blues but we did spot him wearing a blue Ed Hardy Geisha Cap to a dandia night over the past week.


He can be thankful to Kareena for hooking him on to one good thing..


So, while Shahid is nursing his heart, if you want to get your hands on one of these, go here.

Image Source: Ed Hardy Shop

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Shekhar’s Jacket Makes Another Appearance…

This time it was at the Rome Film Festival..I wonder if he considers it lucky?

Read the first post here

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The Many Looks Of Rohit Bal

Of course, I am being sarcastic! Rohit seems to have decided to push the whole jodhpurs trend on to the rest of the world all by himself. So, the question is, do you want to see your man in one of these?

Top Left: FHM Magazine Launch, Source
Top Right: Haywards Black Preview, Source
Bottom Left: Gucci Launch, Source
Bottom Right: Wills India Fashion Week Grand Finale, Source

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Louis Vuitton For Darjeeling Limited


The Wes Anderson movie, Darjeeling Limited has been panned in its reviews but thats not the point, is it? The point you ask? But of course, the Louis Vuitton luggage. The movie revolves around three brothers’ journey through India carrying their dead father’s luggage! Louis Vuitton luggage that is. Designed by Jacobs for Vuitton using aged calfskin, velvet lining and a special jungle pattern (the pattern created by Anderson’s brother)!

The luggage was on display at the New York LV store for a limited time and was auctioned off, the proceeds of which went onto benefit UNICEF and the Rawal Mallinathji Foundation, a medical treatment charity in India!

To read more, and learn how the bidding/auction went, go HERE!

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Smell That?


Sometime ago, in one of the comments on this blog, we were asked to review perfumes but we never did get around to doing it (yet, yet!) but then to my surprise I came across this and absolutely had to post it! The perfume in question? Its Yu from Mane that retails for a mere $5000!! No, thats no typo, there really are three zeroes following that Five!

Apparantly, Yu means ‘rain’ in Chinese and reviewers are calling it ‘aesthetically gorgeous’!! Only 500 bottles of the fragrance were produced and are currently on sale at Bergdorf Goodman.

But, five thousand dollars? Excuse me, while I gasp!

You can read more about it HERE.

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